Soft sedative. It promotes easy falling asleep and deep healthy sleep. The following phenomena become more and more wide-spread in our busy times: difficult falling asleep, interrupted sleep, a fatigue sensation in morning hours and decreased performance during a day, hyperirritability, excitability, state of oppression and low spirit.
Sleep loss and insomnia cause disposition to different disorders, spirit decline, oppression, performance decrease. The chronic sleep debt can become a cause of breakdowns, accidents, errors in work. The normal sleep is a guarantee of the sense of well-being. For healthy sleep restoration at first stages, it is preferable to use natural remedies rendering a soft and multilateral effect on the human body, being non-addictive in a case of their long-time use and having no adverse effects in the recommended doses.
Soft sedative.
It promotes easy falling asleep and deep healthy sleep.
The following phenomena become more and more wide-spread in our busy times: difficult falling asleep, interrupted sleep, a fatigue sensation in morning hours and decreased performance during a day, hyperirritability, excitability, state of oppression and low spirit.
Sleep loss and insomnia cause disposition to different disorders, spirit decline, oppression, performance decrease. The chronic sleep debt can become a cause of breakdowns, accidents, errors in work. The normal sleep is a guarantee of the sense of well-being. For healthy sleep restoration at first stages, it is preferable to use natural remedies rendering a soft and multilateral effect on the human body, being non-addictive in a case of their long-time use and having no adverse effects in the recommended doses.
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